Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and degenerative disease characterized by causing inflammation of the synovial membrane (the membrane that feeds protects and covers the cartilage) of the joints and surrounding tissues. Sometimes arthritis can have an extra-articular behavior and damage organs and systems such as the heart, kidney, and lung. For this reason, it is a systemic disease.
The inflammation of this membrane is responsible for the pain it is also responsible for for the visible swelling and for the perception of stiffness that patients may feel in the mornings and for the loss of joint mobility.
Pain in the affected joints. The pain is stronger at night and in the early morning, or after a period of prolonged rest. Swelling (edema) of one or, most often, several joints. As a rule, the damage is "symmetrical, that is to say, that the same group of joints is affected on both sides of the body. It is usually the wrists or joints of the fingers, especially those closest to the hand;
Affected joints are also hot and sometimes red;
Morning stiffness in the joints, which persists for at least 30 to 60 minutes. This stiffness subsides after the "rustling" of the joints, that is to say after being mobilized and warmed up. However, stiffness can return during the day, after a period of prolonged inactivity;
Fatigue is very prevalent in this disease, often from the beginning. It can be very disabling and difficult to understand for those around you. It is related to the autoimmune process and inflammation. It can be associated with a loss of appetite.
Fever may be present during outbreaks of the disease.
In some people, the autoimmune process of rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs in addition to joints. These manifestations may require a more aggressive therapeutic approach.
dry eye and mouth (Sjögren's syndrome), present in about a quarter of people affected;
An impairment of the heart, particularly its envelope (called pericardium) which does not always cause symptoms;
Impairment of the lungs or kidneys functions which may also be related to or aggravated by the medication.
scleritis, an inflammation of the white of the eye envelope that heals slowly.
kidney complications due to protein deposition in the kidneys (amyloidosis) or medication.
skin complications: bright red coloration of the palms (vermilion erythema), yellow color yellow nail or Raynaud's phenomenon (a circulatory disorder of the fingers or toes).
Symptomatic drug treatment
Symptomatic medications can relieve pain and inflammation.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
The use of corticosteroids at low doses for 6 to 12 months in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis limits the course of the disease.
The prescription of methotrexate at a sufficient dose for extended periods, subcutaneously once a week seems to allow better treatment effectiveness and better compliance.
Disease-modifying agents
Gold salts.
Antimalarial drugs
Local treatments
Local treatments are sometimes offered:
Evacuating punctures at a joint.
Injection of corticoids can be used
Arthroscopic synovectomy, a technique that removes part or all of the synovial membrane from the affected joint.
Here are some Rheumatoid Arthritis Pictures including Xrays
rheumatoid arthritis picture showing deformities in hand including ulnar deviation
Rheumatoid Arthritis diagram showing the difference between the healthy joint and affected joint
The inflammation of this membrane is responsible for the pain it is also responsible for for the visible swelling and for the perception of stiffness that patients may feel in the mornings and for the loss of joint mobility.
Initial symptoms
Pain in the affected joints. The pain is stronger at night and in the early morning, or after a period of prolonged rest. Swelling (edema) of one or, most often, several joints. As a rule, the damage is "symmetrical, that is to say, that the same group of joints is affected on both sides of the body. It is usually the wrists or joints of the fingers, especially those closest to the hand;
Affected joints are also hot and sometimes red;
Morning stiffness in the joints, which persists for at least 30 to 60 minutes. This stiffness subsides after the "rustling" of the joints, that is to say after being mobilized and warmed up. However, stiffness can return during the day, after a period of prolonged inactivity;
Fatigue is very prevalent in this disease, often from the beginning. It can be very disabling and difficult to understand for those around you. It is related to the autoimmune process and inflammation. It can be associated with a loss of appetite.
Fever may be present during outbreaks of the disease.
In some people, the autoimmune process of rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs in addition to joints. These manifestations may require a more aggressive therapeutic approach.
dry eye and mouth (Sjögren's syndrome), present in about a quarter of people affected;
An impairment of the heart, particularly its envelope (called pericardium) which does not always cause symptoms;
Impairment of the lungs or kidneys functions which may also be related to or aggravated by the medication.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Vasculitis (Vascular Inflammation)
This inflammation mainly affects the smaller arteries, sometimes the tiny veins. It appears to be due to deposits of antibody complexes on the inner lining of the blood vessels. Vasculitis can manifest as red spots around the nails, skin ulcers or major circulatory disorders in the fingers and toes.Other complications of rheumatoid arthritis
anemia is a common complication of rheumatoid arthritis. Its severity is related to the activity of the disease.scleritis, an inflammation of the white of the eye envelope that heals slowly.
kidney complications due to protein deposition in the kidneys (amyloidosis) or medication.
skin complications: bright red coloration of the palms (vermilion erythema), yellow color yellow nail or Raynaud's phenomenon (a circulatory disorder of the fingers or toes).
Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
As in many pathologies, the more the treatment is started early, the more likely it will be able to limit the risk of aggravation and the risk of joint damage in the medium term. Health professionals who are involved in the management of the disease should inform, explain, take the time to reassure patients who discover that they have rheumatoid arthritis, essential elements to optimize the management and effectiveness treatments.Symptomatic drug treatment
Symptomatic medications can relieve pain and inflammation.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
The use of corticosteroids at low doses for 6 to 12 months in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis limits the course of the disease.
The prescription of methotrexate at a sufficient dose for extended periods, subcutaneously once a week seems to allow better treatment effectiveness and better compliance.
Disease-modifying agents
Gold salts.
Antimalarial drugs
Local treatments
Local treatments are sometimes offered:
Evacuating punctures at a joint.
Injection of corticoids can be used
Arthroscopic synovectomy, a technique that removes part or all of the synovial membrane from the affected joint.
Here are some Rheumatoid Arthritis Pictures including Xrays
rheumatoid arthritis picture showing deformities in hand including ulnar deviation
Rheumatoid Arthritis diagram showing the difference between the healthy joint and affected joint
X-ray hand showing erosions in rheumatoid arthritis
X-ray foot showing erosions
People who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis can get depressed as it is known that this chronic disease involves changing the habits of life entirely and they start to fight with a series of manifestations that are painful and difficult to control.
The good news is that thanks to advances in medicine and research, treatments and methods have been developed to improve the quality of life of people who have to deal with this health problem.
The most important thing is that patients commit to fighting against the disease and do not give up when there are relapse episodes
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